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Myths You May Have Heard About Hypnotherapy

There are many different types of therapy that you can use to address problems you experience. Hypnotherapy is one option that individuals may have a very poor understanding of due to some of the misinformation that people often associate with this kind of care.

Myth: Hypnosis Is Little More Than A Parlor Trick

Due to the way that it is portrayed in entertainment, there is an assumption held by many people that hypnosis is little more than a trick that is used at parties or shows. However, it can also be effectively used in therapy settings. With this approach to therapy, the patient will be made extremely relaxed, which can assist with their treatment. While it may not be a complete replacement for traditional therapy, it can help to supplement the treatments that you are receiving. Luckily, hypnotherapists are often accustomed to working with traditional therapists to coordinate the treatments that their patients are receiving.  

Myth: Hypnotherapy Will Give The Therapist Absolute Control Over You

The assumption that hypnosis will provide the hypnotherapist with complete control over you can be a frightening prospect. Luckily, this is not what is involved with this process. Rather, hypnosis can help a person to relax, which can make them more receptive to suggestions as well as helping them to be more open and honest. This can be an invaluable tool for individuals that may have difficulty discussing matters that cause intense pain. In some cases, a person may have suppressed memories that are making it difficult for them to heal and move on from traumatic incidents. These individuals may need to rely on hypnotherapy to help them discover these memories so that they can start the process of healing.

Myth: Hypnotherapy Is Only For Those With Severe Mental Health Problems

While hypnotherapy can be an extremely effective tool for individuals struggling with deep mental health problems, it can also be useful in other situations as well. One common example of this can be those who want to quit smoking. These individuals may find that being more open to suggestions from the hypnotherapist can help them build the resolve that is needed to overcome this addiction. Due to the wide range of uses of hypnotherapy, it can be beneficial to discuss this option with a professional as they will be able to assist you with understanding the types of results that this approach to therapy may be able to provide.

To learn more, contact a hypnotherapy service. 
