Stocking Your First Aid Kit When You Have Kids
If you've got children, you know just how prone they can be to accidents and illnesses. Cuts, bumps, bruises, scrapes, sniffles, sneezes and fevers are all frequently on your "make it better list." Unfortunately, a kiss from mom or dad isn't always enough to make it all better, and there is nothing worse than going to your first aid kit and discovering that you don't have what you need to help your kiddo. With that in mind, it's time to survey your home's first aid kid and take stock of what you have and of what you need.
Bandages, gauze pads and tape
You should have plenty of self-stick bandages in several sizes and shapes for all the differently sized kids and body parts. For larger injuries, gauze pads are the way to go. They will help absorb any blood as well as keep the wound covered. Gauze pads are also good for covering any areas where you've applied cream or ointment. However, gauze pads are not adhesive, so you will need tape to apply them.
- Bonus tip: Purchase larger gauze pads. You can always cut them down to fit smaller wounds. Smaller gauze pads, however, can't be sized up for larger wounds.
Sharp scissors
Remember the gauze pads? You may need to size those down, as well as cut the tape you use to adhere them. Scissors can also be used to cut clothing off in an emergency. You don't necessarily need medical scissors, but make sure you have a sharp pair in your kit that are designated for first aid use only. You don't want to have to search for scissors when you need them right away.
Good for plucking out splinters and stingers, tweezers can also work to remove glass from skin and small objects from nostrils.
Digital thermometer
You may be able to tell by touch that your child has a fever, but when it's a matter of degrees between a simple fever and a trip to the doctor, it's best to have an exact reading. A digital thermometer is relatively inexpensive, accurate and easy to read.
Antiseptic and disinfectant
You want to clean a cut well to help avoid infection. When soap and water aren't available, you can hydrogen peroxide to clean an injury. Don't use alcohol, however. It destroys the tissue in the area. Instead, alcohol can be used to disinfect the tools you might use, such as tweezers, scissors, a thermometer or even your hands.
Antibiotic ointment
It's not quite enough to clean a wound. You should also apply an antibiotic ointment to keep the cut moist and help it heal.
Hydrocortisone cream
For insect bites, rashes and other skin irritations, hydrocortisone cream will relieve the itching and discomfort.
Pain relievers
Pain relievers work not only for bumps and bruises, but also to help reduce fevers, ease toothaches, and soothe headaches. Make sure you have current pain relievers for both the adults and children in your home. Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen are available over-the-counter and are excellent, safe sources of pain relief.
Your first aid kit should be well stocked, up-to-date and readily available when you need it. These basic items will help you be prepared in most minor child-related emergencies. Contact a company like Skaha Pharmacy for more information.